Sunday, October 10, 2010

ZvP Smashing

I almost feel bad for protoss right now if it werent for blinking stalkers and cannon rushes. This is the match up that 6 pool is made for and unless youre a micro god youre going to get swept. I rushed his base and like a lot of Protoss that dont deal well with the rush he stopped all his workers to just run away while I trapped units one by one and picked them off. He eventually turned around when he got his zealot out but by that time he had 3 probes left to my 6 zerglings and 12 drones. At the end of the fight he had nothing left except one zealot so he tapped out and the game was won.


  1. awesome! still dont have sc2 but i love reading this stuff, gets me so stoked haha- supporting <3

  2. lol you are freaking good at sc man. teach me how to zerg

  3. You worked him. Keep up the SC2 rape.

  4. the beta was so addicting I played it a ton, then I wasn't interested in the game when it came out lols

  5. I'm worried that if I buy this game... I may lose the rest of my social life to it...

  6. Wow nice, I wish I was this good at SC2 haha. Guess I'll just stick to bronze league LOL

  7. Looks like you're an experienced player... I bet you played SC 1 for years

  8. WOw nice work thats impressive. YOu must be pretty decent

  9. I actually hated Starcraft 1 and most RTS'. I only got into SC2 because all of my friends were doing it and I wanted to be better than them.

  10. awesome post, bro! waiting for MOAR

  11. Maybe I should start playing SC2 :O!?

  12. SC2 clearly misses the balance from SC1, I think that's getting pretty clear by now

  13. Great post! keep up the great work!

  14. hmmm... thanks for finding it for me!
